The side effects occur because the body is adapting to the vaccine. There are quite a number of side effects one gets after having the Covid-19 jab because of how the body builds immunity.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccines save millions of lives yearly. Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s natural defenses-the immune system-to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria targeted.
After vaccination, if the body is later exposed to those disease-causing germs, it is immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illnesses.
Vaccination against Covid-19 is one part of managing Covid-19, by preventing people from seriously getting ill or dying from Covid-19.
Other measures of managing Covid-19 include:
a) Keeping social distance
Staying at least one meter away from others.
b) Covering a cough or sneeze with your elbow.
c) Frequently washing hands.
d) Wearing masks.
e) Avoiding poorly ventilated rooms or opening windows.
As of 3rd of June 2021, World Health Organization (WHO) evaluated the following vaccines against Covid-19, having met the necessary criteria for safety and efficacy:
a) Astrazeneca/ Oxford vaccine.
b) Johnson and Johnson.
c) Moderna.
d) Pfizeo/ Biotech.
e) Sinopharm.
What one should do and expect after getting vaccinated
According to WHO, you are required to take these measures after vaccination:
– Stay at the place where you got vaccinated for at least 15 minutes afterwards, just in case you have an unusual reaction, so health workers can help you.
– Check when you should come in for a second dose if needed. Most of the vaccines available are 2 dose vaccines. Check with your care provider whether you need to get a second dose and when you should get it, the second dose helps boost immune response and strengthen immunity.
– In most cases, side effects are normal.
Covid-19 vaccine helps one develop immunity against Covid-19 virus without them having the virus.
Vaccines help develop memories and antibodies that will remember how to fight the virus in future.
In the process of developing immunity and antibodies, the body can develop symptoms. The symptoms are normal and show that the body is developing immunity against the Covid-19 virus.
These symptoms manifest themselves as side effects.
Main Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccines and How to Deal with Them
Arm soreness
This is a side effect that is gotten from the Covid-19 vaccine. The arm soreness is reduced by some forms of exercise like; giant arm hugs – one can do five to ten giant arm hugs.
Also, a giant sky arm is another way to treat arm soreness. This is done by stretching arms across.
Mild fever
Sometimes one may develop mild fever because of the vaccine and can get rid of it by taking paracetamol or a pain killer which in turn offers relief.
One develops fatigue or tiredness after the jab and one way to get rid of this is by getting adequate rest after the dose. This would reduce the fatigue.
Earlier on, we mentioned that vaccines help develop memories and antibodies that will fight the virus in future and thereby, as the body develops these memories and antibodies, a headache may occur in the process.
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The headache can be relieved by taking paracetamol or a pain killer that will ease the pain.
Muscle pain
Muscle pain can also be developed after the vaccine and one can get a massage or just relax to ease the pain.
Also, adequate rest is the cure for this.
Joint aches
Joint aches have been reported by some people and therefore one can solve this by taking a pain killer or a pain reliever and this would help one to cure the joint aches.
Nausea is not a common side effect of Covid-19 vaccine but is possible.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nausea is almost unheard of but can happen. That is because the vaccine activates the immune system which triggers inflammation and inflammation does not always play nice with your gastrointestinal tract.
Managing post-vaccine nausea is by staying hydrated and when eating one can try to focus on light foods such as soup.
Nausea is one of the side effects that has been reported and therefore for one to get rid of the nausea one can take fruits and more especially oranges. Oranges are rich in vitamin C and therefore oranges help to get rid of the nausea.
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Pain at injection site
The site that has been injected with the vaccine may hurt and moving your arm after the vaccine helps.
Also, taking the pain reliever for one or two days after the vaccination to help with the soreness and swelling.
Also, rotating a warm pack on and off the injection site helps ease the pain.
Swelling at injection site and redness at injection site
When there is swelling or redness, use a clean cool wet cloth to create a compress, if it does not ease the pain, then one should see a health worker for better examination and treatment.
Anyone with chills and low-grade fever should ensure that they remain hydrated to avoid dehydration.
Also, wearing light clothing and dressing in layers will help prevent overheating.
Adverse side effects of Covid-19 vaccine should only last a few days. If they last longer, one should contact a doctor or a health worker.
Therefore, if you develop the above symptoms, then you really need not to worry and panic, it is normal – just adhere to the guidelines shared above. The side effects are simply a confirmation of how the antibodies and immunity against Covid-19 virus is developed and it is an assurance that all is well.
Writer: Mercy Cherono

Sharon is a writer who creates content touching on daily life – including Lifestyle, Technology and Entrepreneurship. She is the Founder and Lead Editor of Masisha.