While it’s great that many people are venturing into entrepreneurship, it comes with many hurdles which you must be prepared to beat. Most business owners are forced to handle several roles and the only way to do so successfully, is to have a good working plan. We spoke to a wonderful young lady, Kate Reriani, who is not only a business owner in Nairobi – for the past 3 years – but is a mother and runs her business from home, online. She was delighted to share how she goes about juggling her many roles successfully.
What is your business about and how did you get started?
Our Instagram page is called Sneakers and More Nairobi. We deal with trendy sneakers for ‘Him and Her’. When I got retrenched early 2019, I decided to take a break from employment and spend more time raising my daughter and during this time, I quickly discovered I could manage my business online, while reducing unnecessary costs.
Do you operate fully online and how is it dealing with clients you haven’t seen?
Yes. I focus on relationship management. Online business is based on trust. Most people have the mentality that what they see on online platforms is not what they get. We ensure that what you see is, in fact, exactly what you get. Our main aim is to make sure that our clients are happy, since they would be more likely to return and get us referrals too.
How do you balance running your business from home with a baby?
Discipline and positive energy. It’s easy to get distracted and frustrated at the same time since I don’t even have a help. Planning makes it easy for everything to function smoothly. I wake up early to get housework done before my baby wakes up; and once she is awake we just ‘chill and play’. She takes a nap later in the afternoon during which I catch up with my Instagram page and clients. Thank God for a very supportive husband!
Most importantly, I keep my eye on the goal. If my baby is happy and my business is going great then I am very content.
You made some improvements to your business during the Covid-19 Pandemic, tell us more about that
I have ensured that my delivery team is well protected, the orders well-packed and sanitized. I also advise my clients to embrace mobile-money transfer so that there is minimal contact.
What makes Sneakers and More stand out?
We try as much as possible to be up-to-date with the most current trends, especially because a big part of our clientelle is youthful and trendy. Every client likes to be associated with a good brand and we strive to deliver that.
Your have some really good shoes, have you dressed any public figure yet?
Yes! We work closely with Andy Young who is a DJ at Homeboyz Radio. Funny thing, I have moments of ‘Haiya! It’s you!’ We’ve worked on a few campaigns together and he has been a wonderful client too.
Advice for anyone who would like to get into business?
Identify your passion. Be ready to take risks. There is no better feeling than being your own boss.
Anything you’d like to add?
Perserverance and patience is important. There will be high moments and low moments. These are what will help you learn and get better.
Above all, always remember God. He is our source of strength. Give thanks!

Sharon is a writer who creates content touching on daily life – including Lifestyle, Technology and Entrepreneurship. She is the Founder and Lead Editor of Masisha.