Working out means planning or devising a way. ‘Work out’ originated around the 1890s, comes from the word work which means to do something…anything that has to do with you ‘putting out action’ whether it is jumping, punching, running or swimming – then we say that you are working out.
It is important for one to work out because it helps in weight loss, lowers the risk of some illnesses like obesity, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes. Did you also know that exercising helps a person to age well?
There are several ways one can begin working out namely:
a) Find a fixed time to work out
Consistency is what transforms average into excellence. For one to achieve excellence in working out, they ought to be consistent in their practice. It is important to find a fixed time to work out, for instance, every evening at a specific time, the body would get accustomed to a routine and hence working out would be effective.
b) Reward yourself
When one achieves his/her goals then one ought to reward himself or herself with a gift – maybe get yourself that gift you have always wanted or take yourself for a treat. You can set a target that if you lose a given number of kilograms you get yourself a specific gift.
c) Sign up for a class
Probably in your neighborhood you have heard of a group of people working out so why not take a bold step and join them? When people with a specific goal come together then they can easily execute a given task. The task could be dancing for a given amount of time as the work out. When the task is done in a group then they get an extrinsic motivation to work out.
d) Start slowly and build up gradually
Beginning to work out is not a walk in the park and therefore one should ensure that the body gets used to the exercise, hence ensuring that they don’t feel strained. You don’t begin with 50 press ups or push-ups, instead you can start with 5 then gradually increase with time.
e) Exercise with someone
Working out is not easy, especially if it is one person who is involved; it is easier when you are two because when you look worn out you can easily get motivated when you see the other person pushing harder. So, exercising with someone else is a good idea to ensure you are working out.
Also read on: Maggie’s Baby-Weight Loss Story
f) Choose activities that make you glad and happy
Different people choose different ways of working out and the most convenient way for one to work out is finding activities that make you happy and you will always be looking forward to the work out; for instance, one may prefer swimming to jogging or running. Whatever is convenient, whatever work outs make you glad and happy go for it otherwise, you will feel like you are punishing yourself.
g) Turn off TV, phone, laptop or any gadget
Distractions make people procrastinate their work outs. Distractions may be in form of phone, television, laptop or other gadgets. When one concentrates on these, then they easily lose focus and the best way to prevent them from distraction is by turning off these gadgets.
Always remember the goal, because this will always keep you focused. For instance if you are working out in order to lose weight then you will always work towards the goal of losing weight.
Gone are the days when working out was just taking part in physical exercise – nowadays working out has been made fun for instance one can swim or even dance which acts as leisure activities but is also working out.
It is important for all of us to ensure that we all work out to remain healthy and free from illnesses like high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obesity among other illnesses.

Mercy is a writer at Masisha. She writes about Health, Technology and Lifestyle.