What is a New Year without New Year’s resolutions? It is important for you to have goals in your life and without them you cannot progress, so if you don’t have them already, write them down in your diary. Setting goals is one thing, achieving them is the real task. Quite a number of people struggle to achieve yearly goals.
It is possible to set yearly goals and fail to achieve them. Failing to plan is planning to fail, so to ensure you achieve your goals, you must plan your goals. Some of the ways of ensuring that you achieve your New Year’s resolutions include:
Talk about it
Talk about your plans to your friends and family. When you talk about it, you confessing it and you creating them, it becomes easier for you to achieve them because you can get ideas on how to go about your plans because someone heard you talk about it. So keep on talking about your New Year’s resolutions, you never know who will be of help and who will help you achieve your goals this year.
Be realistic
It is said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so whatever plans you have this year, be realistic! One of those reasons why you haven’t been achieving your goals for the year is that you are not realistic at all. The greatest people in our society would tell you that they went from step to step and that was because they were realistic. Your New Year’s resolutions should make sense.
Keep trying
No matter your ambitions or goals for this year, keep trying, even if you fail or the outcome comes that is unexpected just keep trying. There are more lessons learnt in failure than in success and even if you fail just keep on trying. Everything is achievable you just have to be persistent in whatever you do. For instance, if you’re trying to lose some weight then you have to keep trying and be consistent in whatever exercise you decide to take.
Plan Ahead
A goal without a plan is just a wish so it is until you have a plan on how you going to execute your goals with a specific plan. You can plan by researching more on whatever you want to achieve and you can use people as resource materials. Probably, looking for people who have achieved in the area of your interest would be the most convenient way of tackling a given task because they are conversant with the area. Since they already have the do’s and the don’ts.
Outline Your Plan
This should be the year that you outline your plans well. Outline your plans and organise them in order. Outlining your plans keeps you organised and you have a list of items that you do from a chronological order. Outlining your plans should be in the order of monthly targets to weekly targets that translates to daily targets.
When you have a daily target, then it will keep you on toes and you will be able to achieve your goals at the end of the day.
Make a Pros and Cons list
Make a decision to give a list of what you stand for and what you are against. What do you stand for this year? What are the values you stand for? What are the vices you trying to avoid this year? Is it cutting off bad company? Are you trying to leave a given habit? Then you have to have a list of what you stand for because in this way you are able to avoid people who can influence you in a way or another.
Make that bold step of having a list of pros and cons.
Track Your Progress
Earlier on we talked of having your target and we said that you should have a daily target, weekly target and monthly target. For you to ensure that you are achieving your goals then you ought to be tracking your progress. How far are you doing? Are you achieving your goals or are you far from achieving them or you are heading somewhere? Another way you can be tracking your progress is if you ask a friend to be your keeper, this way your friend will be keeping you on toes.
Don’t beat Yourself Up
There are goals that would be hard to achieve, no matter how much you try. You could be doing all that is required of you but it would seem so impossible and you might end up not achieving those dreams and be kind to yourself, don’t beat yourself up.
Reward Yourself
You deserve that appreciation from you. If you don’t appreciate yourself then no one will, so appreciate you because you deserve it.
Basing your target, you could decide to award yourself probably if you achieve a certain goal. Reward yourself in certain ways like maybe taking yourself out for lunch or dinner or getting yourself that gift that you have always wanted. Learn to reward yourself.
Believe in Yourself
For you to achieve your goals, you have to believe in yourself. You know your abilities and your capabilities and make yourself a favor and believe in yourself. No one can believe in you like you believe in yourself.
Believe that you can achieve the goals that you have set this year, believe in you!
Be Consistent
Consistency is the way to go and when you are consistent with the ways you are going to achieve your goals then achieving your goals will be possible. Consistency is the hallmark of the unimaginative, keep this in mind.
If you are going to stick to these guidelines of achieving your New Year’s resolutions then I assure you will be able to make it.
It is one thing to set goals and it is the other thing to achieve them. So keep working on the goals that you have set in mind to achieve.

Mercy is a writer at Masisha. She writes about Health, Technology and Lifestyle.