It’s Christmas time! I’m sure a number of people may not yet be in the mood for the holiday season for different reasons; including a negative past experience of it being financially draining or maybe the year has just been a tough one. You have the power to gradually take yourself out of the funk and recreate this time into something good for yourself in small and special ways. Here are some things that are likely to cheer you up!


7 Ways to Cheer Up During the Holiday Season

  1. Create a new tradition

If the past Christmas seasons have been a bad experience, recreate this one! Spend it doing the things you love most. Spare some time to spend with your loved ones and together, exchange notes of the best things you love about each other and recreate memories; by going through old albums or engaging in outdoor activities together. Also, decide to make that call to a friend, which you’ve been postponing for the longest time.


   2. Be intentional about having a good time

Choose an all-round healthy environment if you can and surround yourself with people who have positive energy. Also, decide to give yourself the best as much as possible; it could be in form of a healthy diet, exercise, learning a new skill, trying out recipes and you could never go wrong with a great read.


   3. Travel on a budget

Hoping you put aside some money during the year, this is a good time to take a vacation and unwind. You could also go for a road trip to a place with beautiful scenery and head back home the same day if you wish. Just in case you haven’t decided where to go yet, you’re in luck! Click here and check out some places you may want to visit.


   4. Visit a local children’s home

A home for the elderly is also an option. It always means the world to many people in homes when someone visits and spends time with them and possibly take some treats, food and clothes over. Most have never had a family, let alone spent Christmas with them. There are many homes available in your local area, if you search online. Try this out this holiday season!


   5. Cook up a storm

Sharing a meal has always been one of the top classic ways to show love. Bake a cake and take some to your neighbours or try the recipe you’ve been dying to and surprise your loved ones. A good surprise. 


   6. Sing and take memorable pictures

Christmas carols just bring the mood right back and this is why my friend and I started an Instagram page just for this here. There are also some wonderful Christmas albums online from the Likes of Kenny Rogers, Mariah Carey and Michael Bubble. Take photos with your loved ones, you’ll appreciate this when you look back at them in future!


   7. Decorate and light candles

Decorating always makes your home more cosy; a Christmas tree, some lights or some accessories with Christmas colours. For better tips on this, refer to our article here five ways to spruce up your home this Christmas for under $50 .

Have a wonderful December and Christmas holiday!

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