Silvia Njoki is an award-winning fashion blogger who travels the world to share her exquisite talent in fashion and design. We caught up with her to get to know what her Christmas Holiday looks like and of course a few special tips
- What’s special about Christmas for you? (Childhood memory)
Since my early childhood Christmas has been the time when my family and I came together with my cousins at my grandmother’s place in the village to celebrate together. I miss the long drives to the village while playing our favorite Christmas songs.
- Best travel tips
Do your research about the destination, Plan what you want to see and do and if possible team up with a local for the best possible non-touristic experiences.
- Looking forward to…(something in 2018)
Re-branding and Turning 30 !
- Fashion must have
A pair of blue denims
- One thing we don’t know about you?
Not too many are aware that I turned vegan half a year ago, and I am proud that I am sticking to a 100% vegan diet and enjoying it.
- Does blogging pay?
Yes blogging does pay, and some international bloggers are already millionaires. I am living a very comfortable life and able to raise my daughter thanks to my blogging career.
- Best advise to young people
Stay true to yourself, be patient but aggressive in pursuing your dreams, and if you devote yourself completely to what you are undertaking success and satisfaction will eventually come your way.
Post By: Silvia Njoki
PHOTOS: Silvia

Sharon is a writer who creates content touching on daily life – including Lifestyle, Technology and Entrepreneurship. She is the Founder and Lead Editor of Masisha.