H pylori is the most common bacterial infection that grows in the digestive tract and attacks the lining of the stomach. It is caused by bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori. H pylori infections are harmless but cause Ulcers. H pylori can lead to other diseases, such as gastritis which is an inflammatory condition inside the stomach.

Adaptations of H Pylori

  • H pylori has flagella that help in movement.
  • H pylori has lipopolysaccharides which help in adherence of the cells.
  • It also has DNA which is circular in nature.
  • Additionally, it has an enzyme known as urease which helps in the survival of Helicobacter pylori. Urea converts urea and water to ammonia and water.

Symptoms of H Pylori

There is no clarity in what exactly causes H pylori but a number of people will not have any sign or symptoms; however, when signs and symptoms occur they include the following:

–       Unintentional weight loss.

–       Loss of appetite.

–       Nausea.

–       Abdominal pain which is worst when the stomach is empty.

–       Bloating.

–       An ache in the abdomen.

–       Frequent burping.

If the signs and symptoms above persist, then you need to be worried and see a doctor.

Immediate medical help should be sought if you experience the following:

–       Bloody or black tarry stools.

–       Bloody vomit or black vomit that resembles coffee grounds.

–       Trouble swallowing.

Causes of H Pylori

There is no clear way in which one is infected by H pylori but it is passed on from one individual to another through direct saliva, vomit and faeces.

It is also spread through contaminated food, water and even utensils if not washed with clean water and thus one should ensure that the food or water they take is hygienic. Generally, hygiene is a matter one should look at and ensure that proper hygiene is practiced.

H pylori is known to be acquired in childhood and the living conditions can be a causative agent; it is known that living with someone who has an H pylori infection, living with unreliable water supply, living in crowded areas are the risk factors of contracting H pylori.

H Pylori Complications

H pylori complications include:

–       Stomach Cancer – A H pylori infection is a strong risk factor for some types of stomach cancer.

–       Inflammation of the stomach lining – The Helicobacter pylori, can irritate your stomach hence causing inflammation, gastritis.

–       Ulcers – Most people with H pylori will develop an ulcer.

H pylori causes damage to the protective lining of your stomach and the duodenum. This can allow the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to create an open sore, ulcer.

Prevention of H Pylori Infection

It is certainly true that prevention is better than treatment. The best way of preventing the H pylori is through H pylori screening. With this, you can either easily treat the infection or find out whether or not you are infected.

We stated earlier that unhygienic foods, water and conditions transmit the Helicobacter pylori bacteria and for one to avoid infections through this, they should practice proper hygiene.

You can protect yourself from getting H pylori infection with the same steps you take to keep other germs at bay:

-Wash your hands thoroughly after you use the bathroom and before you prepare or eat food. Teach your children to do the same.

-Avoid food and water that is not clean.

-Do not eat any food that is not cooked thoroughly.

-Avoid food served by people who have not washed their hands.

It is important to keep high standards of hygiene.

Diagnosis of H Pylori

A doctor will initially ask about your medical history, your symptoms or any medicines you have taken. Then the doctor will give you a physical examination, including pressing your stomach to check for any pain, tenderness or even swelling.

Afterwards, the doctor can do the following tests:

Upper Gastrointestinal  Endoscopy

In the hospital, a doctor will use a tube with a small camera, known as an endoscope. The endoscope looks down to your throat and your stomach and the small intestines. The procedure is also used to collect a sample that will be examined for the presence of the bacteria.

Blood and Stool Test

A sample of blood or stool is taken to identify whether the pylori bacteria is present in one’s body.

Urea Breath Test

A special liquid drink is given to a patient. The liquid has a substance called urea. Then the patient will breathe into a bag, which will be sent to a lab for testing by the doctor.

If you have H pylori, the bacteria will change the urea in your body into carbon dioxide and the lab tests will show that your breath has higher than normal levels of the gas.

Computerised Tomography (CT SCAN)

It is a powerful X-ray that makes detailed pictures of the inside of your body.

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Treatment for H Pylori

If the diagnosis shows that you have the bacteria, then you will need the treatment to kill the germs, to heal your stomach lining and keep the sores from recurring. Normally, it takes 1-2weeks of treatment to get better. 

A doctor will prescribe a few different types of drugs include:


The antibiotics kill the bacteria in the body of the H pylori patient.


Not any drug is recommended but the drugs that are recommended are the ones that reduce the amount of acid in your stomach by blocking the tiny pumps that produce it.


The medicines that block histamine chemical, which prompts your stomach to make more acid.

Bismuth subsalicylate, which may also help kill H pylori along with your antibiotics.

Whatever your doctor prescribes no matter the quantity of the medicines, ensure that you take the entire dose. If antibiotics are not taken in the right way, bacteria in your body become resistant to them, which make the treatment of the infections harder. In case of any side effects, talk to your doctor. 

H pylori infection is the most common infection among people and it is important for everyone to take the necessary precautions and treat it, if one is infected.

Writer: Mercy Cherono

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